
Sameer is an investment banker, he got married two weeks ago. All his relatives are appreciating and congratulating him because he married to a black girl. They all are praising his non-racist attitude. One day Kabeer decided to organize a get-together party, Kabeer is Sameer’s best friend. They decided to organize it on Saturday evening at Rajat’s house.
Saturday comes, they all meet at Rajat’s house. After enjoying, all  friends go to the terrace.
“Doesn’t matter, how rich he is, Sameer is rich from  heart”- Rajat Says
“What did I do?”- Sameer asks
“What!!! Look at you how fair your colour is but still you marry Riya, she doesn’t has a fair color.”- Rajat replies
“I agree to Rajat, Sameer is great”- Kabeer supports him.
“You are right, otherwise who wants to marry a dull face boy or girl.”- Reema says
“Right, my uncle’s son, he is still unmarried because of his color.”- Mani says
“People shouldn’t distinguish between colours, what can humans do, if they have black colour in their genes.”- Sameer says
“Absolutely, and are the peoples in Nigeria or Africa unmarried? Or Will smith is Unmarried?”- Rajat says.
“Everyone, cheers for The Great Groom Sameer”- Kabeer says
“Cheers”- Everyone.
Suddenly Rajat’s nephew Neil enters there he looks confusing, he comes to them.
“Why all of you are calling Sameer uncle Great? Did he do something great?”- Neil asks
“Neil, Sameer uncle married a woman who is black in colour, he is a non-racist”- Kabeer says
“I heard, that’s why I came here to ask something”
“what?”- Sameer says
“You said that people shouldn’t distinguish between colour and you follow it, right?”
“Right”- Sameer says.
“Then tell me why all of you are calling him great, if colour is nothing for all of you then how can he be a great man, because whatever he did it is common as human.”
Everyone remains silent there, he points towards Rajat and continues “ If you are a non-racist then why did you said that he marry Riya, who doesn’t has fair colour.”
Everyone is looking at him like he is a professor and all are his students he stands and says “ I think all of you are agree to non-racist attitude but none of you is agree to accept it completely because if it is so then none of you call Sameer uncle great. When a fair boy marries to a fair girl then no one says he or she is bad because they are not marrying a dull person, everyone just enjoys but when a fair one marries to someone who is not good looking or fair in colour, everyone praises them like they did something great.”
Neil goes to his room but he makes everyone think whether they are really non-racist.

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  1. Niel says well bro
    But today in reality our culture and society doesn't accept this . Am I right??

  2. They are so called literate, they need to understand this.

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  4. Nice story ....who inspired u ?


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