Elon Musk, NeuraLink and Human Future

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, NeuraLink and Human Future-Four years Ago, Genius Billionaire and one of my Favourite personality Elon Musk  started a project known as Neuralink Project{Developing ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers.}. In this project, Elon Musk has said that a chip developed by his brain interface company, Neuralink, will let users stream music directly into their brain. The billionaire businessman said that people would soon be able to use brain chip technology of Neuralink to stream music into their brains without any special efforts.  It sounds awesome, right, but is it?

In this modern era where most of our work is online almost every data is on the internet, and it is said that ”your data is secure with us.” But after this, there comes Hacker, Black Hat Hackers, nothing is safe from them, they are the biggest threat on the internet.  What will be the consequences if the human brain will work on a computer, won't it be a threat like Terminator. 

Benefits of Neuralink

Neuralink, it is just a simple computer today, it helps to listen to music directly, we don’t need to listen through our earphones, it means a direct message to our brain like telepathy. Also, we can gather information about the brain through it. It can help in the treatment of many neural problems. So overall it is another blessing on homo sapiens. In this world of curiosity, will Elon musk and the team of Neuralink stops after this, will they finish it here? No, they won’t stop. They will do research deep research and will develop it on another level. And definitely one day this brain chip will overtake the human brain… so what next?

What if it overtakes the Brain?

If it will overtake brain, that is not possible today, but one day when it gets developed and it will be used as another brain in the same body, our body will be in danger. Not a small threat a very very big threat.

Let’s take an imaginary situation…

“there is a planet 369 light-years away. There is a man who controls everything even the living beings, he controls it through a chip every living being has a chip in their a brain that is linked to their nerves and it is controlled by a supercomputer and that supercomputer is controlled by another chip that is planted in the king’s brain.” I don’t think, I need to explain it.  Comment if you don’t understand..

Elon Musk, NeuraLink and Human Future

So what should happen? Should they stop this project?      

What if someone will hack our Brain with Neuralink?

You will be doomed if your brain chip will be hacked because they will extract all your information and they can blackmail you, Robb you, even hacker can kill you in many ways. So it is not a safe idea to become dependent on Neuralink, it can be dangerous or we can say it is dangerous!! and maybe your body organs don’t want to befriend with any brain chip. Honestly, connecting your body with advance Neuralink is not a good idea.

Can we stop this?

The answer is no, and we can’t stop this and we shouldn’t but it should be in a limit, people should not depend on Neuralink. And nothing is bad in this world if it doesn’t exceed the limit. 

Elon Musk, NeuraLink and Human Future

This project is awesome and really very interesting, if I get a chance to work with it, definitely I will be a part of it. This project is a blessing to humankind and, I wish there will be a control, control on this project not on humans.😉

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