Respect has to be earned….

One of the biggest myth of society is Respect. Yes, respect, it is a myth in a sense. In our society people think that if one bends to other then it is respect, if one folds hand to others then it is respected and if one touch feet to other then it is respect but actually, it isn’t.
Respect is not a thing to buy, there is a proverb  “ Respect is more precious than money”  so if we earn money then why not respect. We all know that begging has no respect. If we beg for Respect then we don’t get Respect and it won’t be respected. Touching feet is a science but in our society people are such hungry of respect that if someone touch knees of him then he feels proud that he touches my feet I am great, ridiculous, it is self-satisfaction hunger. Let's take my example “ In a family function I was too busy even I didn’t eat anything and suddenly my uncle came home he was sitting on the sofa, I came the home and I had a lot of work I am the big son so the responsibility was mine to take care of everything, so by the mistake, I forgot to greet him(my uncle) after this until the function over he was angry to me because I didn’t touch his feet, I was unaware of this because I don’t care about such things after this my father told me that your uncle is angry because you didn’t greet him, I asked my father that ‘ when did he come’ , seriously I didn’t notice him I was too busy in my work. After this, I went to him and greet him, touch his feet and gave him SO-CALLED RESPECT.”
This is the condition of our society they actually don’t want respect they just want to show that they are great and everyone should respect him.
I just want to say that respect is not buying or begging, but it is an earning thing.

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