We want Devotion on Violence.........?

Temple it is the place where a person shows his devotion. At this place we feel the positive vibes. It is the place where we feel love, non,violence and devotion. It has no-stress environment. But what if.... such place should be built on the strength of unrest, violence and hate. In my sense this won't be a temple anymore.
In India now a days, Ayodhya Dispute is one of the most 'important' issue for peoples. 
The dispute is between HINDU and MUSLIM. There is a land area in Ayodhya. In 1992 many political leaders and followers destroyed the Babri Masjid. At that time thousands of people died in riot. They just want back their temple that was destroyed in 13th century by Mughal Emperor Babar. Today both religious group are fighting for that place, one want MOSQUE and other LORD RAM'S temple. 
But the question is, if Hindus win, will Muslims easily accept or , if Muslims win, will Hindu easily accept  ?. The answer is, no. If they wanted peace, they would still live in peace. Both groups want to show their love to their GODS by HATE, seriously this is what GOD wants ? Will the god accept that place where thousands of people died on their name. They can't share a piece of land and they want a place for DEVOTION. I am damn sure that God will not be happy up-there.
Actually none of the group showing the love to their god, they actually showing the hate to other religion. They don't want to built their temple or mosque they just don't want to let each other to built temple or mosque. This is Inhuman activity. None of them even know god. They even don't know what religion is. 
They are fighting for Lord Ram with hate, they are fighting for Allah with hate. What a shame that we are working against God for God. God dwells in us and we are setting them up outside.


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