Worship Of God Against God, Conversation With A Baudhha Bhikshu

Last week I was in Dharamshala. It is a beautiful city in Himachal Pradesh. I can describe this city in a word and that is “PARADISE”. BAUDHHA DHARMA GURU DALAI LAMA lives here. Dalai Lama Temple is 11 km far from Dharamshala. This place is really beautiful. I went to Dalai Lama Temple and I saw a very big satute of Gautam Buddha. Statue was of Brass. I was surprised because of statue and reason is Baudhha Dharma doesn’t allow statue worship!!!
I already knew that world has so many statues of Gautam Buddha but when I see the that Bauddha Bhikshu(devotee of Gautam Buddha) are worshipping a statue. It was really shocking. I decided to talk a Bhikshu, so I went to a Bhikshu who was sitting there. I started a conversation-
Me- Hello
Bhikshu- Hello
Me- I want to ask something
Bhikshu- There is inquiry room downstairs, you will know everything you want.
Me- I don’t want to inquiry, I just want to talk to you
Bhikshu- Yaa sure, ask
Me- Do you live here?
Bhikshu- Yes, I am a devotee of Gautam Budhha, we are called as Baudhha Bhikshu.
Me- This place is very beautiful, have you ever gone to the top at that mountain(I pointed to the highest peak of that area, it was covered by clouds)
Bhikshu- Yes!
Me- How can I go there?
(he pointed to a way and said) this way goes directly to peak but it will take a long time it is not as easy as it seems.
Me- Thank You, can you tell me one more thing?
Bhikshu- Yes, ask, what do you want to know?
Me- Is that statue of Gold?
Bhikshu- No it is of Brass
Me- it is beautiful but why it is here?
(This time he was little surprised)
Bhikshu- We worship that statue.
Me- You worship a statue but why, as far as I know Bauddha Dharma doesn’t allow statue worship
Bhikshu- Yes but sometime we need it it tells us that Buddha is here.
Me- Why do you need a statue if Gautam Budhha said that “the universe exist inside us, the energy is inside us, I am inside you’
(He is again a little confused)
Me- Isn't it a paradox that Gautam Budhha, whole time was saying that do  not worship statues, the god rest inside us, and still you are worshipping his statute.
Bhikshu- Yes, yes but we worship it…
Me- it makes no sense. We all know that the god is inside us yet we are worshipping statues. There is no wrong thing in worshipping statue but it is creating a paradox in your teaching and it is not logical.
( After this Bhikhsu started coughing, I understand that he has no answer so I closed the topic and thanks him for his time)
Me- Thank you so much, nice to met you.
And I went away from there……

There is nothing bad in worshipping statues, but if you are following someone's ideology and you claim that you are his devotee then follow it with full belief. In this conversation I just tried to show the reality of most of the humans when they follow a reliogion, most of them don't want to follow it, they just want to suuceed with the help of religion, and at this phase we forget the real religion and it leds to communalism.
                   “It is really weird that we are worshipping god against god.”

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