What is wrong with the SEX......?


"Hey Shiv, what's up buddy!!!"
' Not fine'- Shiv replied sadly
Why, what happened, are you sick?- John asks in a serious tone
"No, I am upset with this society condition, looks at this news"( John takes the newspaper and the read headline " Again, a brutal Rape in capital")
'So sad, it is ridiculous- John replies
"why this happens ,John"
'It is because of Girls'- Shiv's aunt says
"What are you saying Aunt, you are also a women"-John says
"We were not wear such clothes, we were not so close to boys"- she replies
According to you if a boy rapes a woman then only woman is responsible for this, right?-John asks

(They start a conversation)
John- give me the reasons for your statement
Aunt- because of seductive look of girls, boys get attracted and they lost their mind.
John- then in foreign countries like America, Thailand every girl would be a victim of Rape.
Aunt- don't know!!
John- But it isn't, they are safe there more than here, they can travel in night safely.
Aunt- OK, but due to more frank nature of girl, boys get attracted
Shiv- so what, boys do not have any copyright to be frank, they are equal and if the boy get attracted to her than it is his mistake, he can't control his feeling, he must be obsessed of sex.
John- I agree
Aunt- girls were made for household works not for out work they don't need to work in office, if they won't work then they don't have to travel in night and they will be safe.
Shiv- C'mon aunt , what are you saying, girls have equal place in this society they are human too, they have all right that boys have. tell me one thing, do you believe in god?
Aunt- yes I believe
John- then tell me the name of that religious book in which it was stated that girls are only for household works or tell me the name of that god or GODDESS who stated that girl are lower than boys.
Aunt- there is no such thing
Shiv- then why did you believe in GOD??
(Aunt has no words, she is quite)
Aunt- then what is the reason??
(she asked but suddenly a John's phone rings after few he says)
"Let's go Shiv we have to go it's an emergency, we will talk later Aunt and I will tell you the reason later, Bye"
'Bye John, Bye Rick'-she replied 

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