5 Most Destructive Weapons of Ancient India | Most Powerful Weapons

Most destructive weapons of Ancient India-

 India is the country of culture and science. India's mythology is full of culture and scientific things. unfortunately, we are forgetting our culture and we are considering our ancient text as myths. But it is not right. There are many such things in the history of India, about which we have forgotten or we think of them as a myth.  Today I will tell you about 5 most destructive weapons of Ancient India.

  5. Vajra

Vajra is a weapon which is indestructible and has unlimited energy. It was made of "Dadhichi Rishi'sbone. It is mainly used by King of Heaven "Indra".  It is so powerful that it also made "Hanuman Ji" unconscious. It was made to defeat Serpent King "Vritra". 

Weapons of Ancient India

  4. Pashupati Astra- Lord Shiva is also known as Pashupati, He is the creator of this weapon that's why this weapon is called Pashupati Astra. It is the most powerful, the most destructive weapon in Hindu Mythology. Only two people had access to Pashupati Astra. In Tretayug, only Vishwamitra had this weapon after him in Dwaparyug only Arjun had this weapon, but none of them used it. It can destruct the whole earth in a little time.

Also Read- Conversation with a Bauddha Bhikshu

Weapons of ancient India
3. Brahmaastra- Brahmastra is considered as the second most destructive weapon in ancient India. It was said that it can destroy all living beings on earth. It has two variants "Brahmasira Astra" and "Brahmadand Astra". Lord Brahma created these weapons that's why it is called as "Brahmaastra".
Destructive weapons of ancient India
2. Sudarshan Chakra- Sudarshan Chakra is Lord Vishnu's weapon. It was also used by Lord Krishna(Lord Vishu's Avtar). It is a disk in shape and has 108 serrated edges.
  1. Trishul- Trishula is considered as the most powerful thing in the whole universe across all dimensions. Only Lord Shiva uses Trishul. It can destroy the whole universe. 
Most Destructive Weapons of Ancient India
"Unlike other weapons, Sudarshan Chakra and Trishula are not only weapons, but these are also part of the universe. These are symbolise as the energy of the universe."

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